I hope you enjoyed our August 3 webinar, “Faith in Action: Combining LGBTQ+ Spirituality with Social Justice Advocacy.” If you didn’t get a chance to see it, the recording is available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=H10b4ZxTJcA&t=2266s . It is our hope that you can arrange a congregational/community “watch party” to get the most out of this program.
We are also excited to announce that our next Webinar in this series will be on Thursday August 24, 2023, also from 3-4pm. Featured speaker is the Rev. Lawrence T. Richardson, Senior Pastor, Salem United Church of Christ, who will speak on “Beyond the Binary: Exploring the Genders of God.” I have attached a graphic for this event, including registration information, that can be posted to your Facebook page, etc. This would also make an excellent watch party subject. Thank you for your interest!
Sharon Pedersen (she, her, hers)
MUUSJN LGBTQ+ Justice Organizer and
Inclusive Justice Secretary of the Board
Registration here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wuii01nKQlWa6wMtS5Uagg