Oct. 2nd Move to the Chapel of Our Guardian Angels


What’s coming?  Our move to the Chapel of Our Guardian Angels is coming.  The Board decided at its last meeting to move to the chapel for a trial period to ensure all our needs are met before signjng a lease. The decision was based on the positive input received at our service this Spring when the options were discussed.
When?  Our October 2nd service will be the first one at the new location.  It will begin at11:00 as usual.
Where?  The Chapel of Our Guardian Angels is located at 812 Petoskey Street at the corner of Fulton Street in Petoskey, up the hill from the Grain Train Market on Mitchell.  Parking is on the street.
The former Mennonite church, built in the late 19th century, was bought by Colleen Patullo and her husband, Michael, for the purpose of having a community meeting place for groups having a spiritual focus.  Its doors opened in January.
We look forward to the move and hope you do too!